Bella vita, La

Release: Bella vita, La (1994)


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Bella vita, La
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IMDB score
6.4/10 (Good)
Year Published

Bruno and Mirella get married in 1989 and live in the little town of Piombino seems to be a bed of roses. After a while Bruno gets the sack, while Brunella takes up with a local tv idol, Gerry Fumo. When she realizes that Bruno can\'t stand being on the dole, she repents and wants to leave Gerry. It is too late: Bruno has found out everything and asks her to leave. After a while they take up another time, but they soon realize that their love story has ended. Mirella goes back to her parents\' house and begins to work in a kindergarten, while Bruno finds a job at the local beach. The two begin to exchange a tender correspondence.

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